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Transgender 'Bathroom Bill' Expected To Pass In Texas


A „bathroom bill“ that would prevent transgender students from using the restroom of their choice is expected to pass in Texas.
A “bathroom bill” that would prevent transgender students from using the restroom of their choice and require them to use a single-stall restroom is expected to pass in Texas after the state legislature approved an amendment Sunday night.
Texas’ House voted 91-50 to pass an amendment tacking the stipulations onto a school emergency operation bill. The House is expected to approve the bill Monday, with a Senate approval also anticipated, according to USA Today. If passed into law, the bill will impact Texan public schools.
“It’s absolutely about child safety, ” said Texas Republican Rep. Chris Paddie, who wrote the amendment’s language and said it was not discriminatory. “This is about accommodating all kids.”
Before debate over the bill began Sunday night, some Democratic female lawmakers protested by using the men’s restroom.
“Bathrooms divided us then and bathrooms divide us now, ” said Texas Democratic Rep. Senfronia Thompson. “Separate but equal is not equal at all.”
“This amendment is the bathroom bill and the bathroom bill is an attack on transgender people, ” added fellow Democratic Rep. Joe Moody. “Some people don’ t want to admit that because they are ashamed, and this is shameful.”
Joe Straus, the Texas Republican Speaker of the House, believes the bathroom bill could damage Texas’ economy. However, Greg Abbott, the Republican governor, wants to sign it into law, reported USA Today. (RELATED: Celebs Complain About Texas Bathroom Bill)
The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Paddie and Moody, but received no comment in time for publication.
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