Start United States USA — software Trump switches from Android to an iPhone with only one app

Trump switches from Android to an iPhone with only one app


According to a recent report, after becoming President of the United States, Trump has handed in his older Android smartphone in lieu of a more secure iPhone, with only his favourite app accessible.
Donald Trump is known to have a complicated relation with technology, with many reports claiming his reluctance to use modern technology like computers. He is also known to require his aides to print out current news and his emails, which he then annotates manually and sends back as a scanned PDF.
One of the only departures from his computer neophyte ways is Twitter, which he has used extensively, both during the campaign and since he ascended to the Office of the President of the United States. Trump’s midnight Twitter tirades are, of course, the subject of much political discourse and a great source of anxiety among his aides, but at least we can rest assured that he’s abandoned his old and insecure Android phone – which many believed was a Samsung Galaxy S3 – for a new iPhone.
Eagle-eyed Twitter users had months ago spotted his Twitter account being accessed by both an Android device and an iPhone, with a consensus that the often belligerent and aggressive tweets emanating from the Android device were from Trump himself. It’s been almost two months now since his account was last accessed by an Android, suggesting an earlier report about his move to Apple’s walled garden was true, after all.
Perhaps even more interesting than his change of mobile platform was the assertion that the new iPhone assigned to Trump by the White House has only one app visible: Twitter. Although the phone is heavily locked down with not even first party apps visible for security reasons, it seems that Trump’s affinity for Twitter is so great that even the White House’s cyber security team had to bow out and grant him his one indulgence.
Source: Axios, ReCode | Trump image via Shutterstock

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