Start United States USA — software When Enterprise Java Micro Profile Meets Angular When Enterprise Java Micro...

When Enterprise Java Micro Profile Meets Angular [Video] When Enterprise Java Micro Profile Meets Angular [Video]


This talk addresses theoretical and practical concerns of how an Angular frontend would communicate with a Java backend, through the creation of an example app.
With my friend Sebastien Pertus, we decided to create a 3-hour university on “how an Angular front-end could communicate with an Enterprise Java Micro Profile back-end.” So we spent a few months organizing the slides and the code, giving the talk at several conferences and JUGs…. and here are the videos and slides, finally public.
In this talk, I play my role (a back-end guy using Enterprise Java MicroProfile and exposing a JAX-RS API) and Sebastien plays the role of a front-end developer (TypeScript, Angular consuming a REST API) . We divided the talk into two parts:
You can find the talk in English on the Devoxx BE channel, in French on Devoxx FR channel, get the slides and the code.

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