Start United States USA — Cinema Celebrities Respond as President Trump Backs Out of Paris Accord

Celebrities Respond as President Trump Backs Out of Paris Accord


Hollywood took to Twitter to voice their opinions on Trump’s withdraw from the Paris Agreement.
What, Albert Brooks is still alive? Who would have guessed. WAY TO GO PRESIDENT TRUMP! Amazing move….make America great again.
To all you Leftist, HollyWEIRD LibTURDS, Al ozone-brain Gore, globalist elitists, DumoCRAPS in Wash, Leftist corporate Ceo’s, etc., to ALL you F’ ing MORONS, sit down and SHUT your liberal, MARXIST pie-holes. The American people (REAL, patriotic Americans) don’ t give a DAMN what you Lefties think!!! We want to see America PROSPER again. President Trump, BRAVO!! Well done on dumping that “Paris BS”. With you as President, we really ARE gonna make America Great Again!!!!!
GREAT job, President Trump. Winning!!!!
Well, that changes everything. If Hollywood Elites say it’s just awful, it must be a good decision.
Thanks, Hollywood Elites! You’ ve clarified things!
Of course the usual rich people are complaining. Leo DiCaprio, the gall of that mo fo is astounding. Dude, you’ ve never held a real job in your life other than acting and having your arse constantly kissed, you are filthy rich because of it, you do not have a family or kids to support, you take private jets, are chauffeured around in huge black SUV limos, you hang with bimbos on giant yachts and you are complaining because Trump prevented my life from becoming more difficult than it already is? There is not a middle finger big enough pal.
To Elon Musk: On the way out please return the billions given you by the Obamoids. Nothing will replace carbon fuel and internal combustion for moving humans. Electric vehicles are inefficient, have a huge carbon footprint and batteries are extremely dangerous. It is far safer to carry energy in the form of gasoline (and especially diesel fuel) than as a charge in a battery which is quickly dissipated. The place for electrics is in hybrids to recapture energy and add power on initiation. Goodbye Musk. Please don’ t come back.
America to Michael Moore: No one wants to fuck you (too fat and ugly) . Please lease. Now.
Bravo Trump. At least one promise kept. And one swamp rat gone (a Muskrat) .
Liberals and Hollywood it really does not matter what you think or do! You were unable to get your socialist or queen bee elected because the rest of America does not care about you and many of your movies.
Guess what we have 3 1/2 year left of President Trump! We have to deal with Obama for 8 years now it is our turn to undo his damage to this great land. Obama hated this Country and everything it stood for. We are so lucky that we not be paying for the rest of liberal blood sucker’s worldwide.
Every time Mike Moore farts the ozone dies a little
To Hollywood: Go home to hell and snuggle with your father satan.
When are we going to hear more pearls of wisdom from John Legend’s slutty wife? He’s still saying stupid shit, can’ t wait to laugh at her “thoughts.”
Man-made Climate change is a hoax. Even a U. N. Man-made climate-change advocate said it is all a Marxist hoax to destroy Capitalism.
The communists have regrouped from the fall of the Soviet Union. It’s a mental disorder.
You know that there is something horribly wrong with this if only big business and a token handful of politicians supported this (supposedly the politicians checkbook that stand to benefit) …
And oh yea, it blatantly goes against states’ rights. This takes money from the country, AS A WHOLE and sends it off to other countries. This SHOULD BE PUT TO A VOTE from ALL the states. But it WASN’ T BECAUSE THEY KNEW IT WOULD NOT PASS…
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! An endless stream of Hollywood losers whining about Trump! I love watching these idiots implode…who gives a shit what you think!
Well said!! Another item to add to the very long list of things I hate about Hollywood
Kristen Schaal should concentrate on making “Last Man on Earth” funny because it is boring as hell ands she’s terrible on it.
Best decision of any Potts to leave the phony Global warming
Warning Paris accord.
Just look around the people behind it, all people thar stole the US treasury into Trillions of US Dollars Deficit.
Thank heavens Trump has the guts to cry tripe when it is served. The Emperor has no clothes. Climate change is a scam. Follow the money.
The day that Al Gore and Michael Moore along with Cher and the rest of these MMQB’s who whine and cry give their own monies to these climate groups instead of reading a script, then maybe they would get respect from the hard working people who used to shell out bucks for their movies, tv shows, etc.. I am so tired of their BS I have not been to a movie in a decade and my TV is on History, TCM and Fox News 90% of the time. Tired of these so-called celebrities telling me I’ m wrong, stupid and how much smarter they are than me because they can act. Naw, no more BS.
I’ ve lived through at least one Ice Age, and two floods – of Biblical proportions.
Follow the money. Everyone screaming for it were either set to make millions, or are the brainless sycophants who want to be loved by them.
Climate change is the promotion of a leftist global government to be run by unelected bureaucrats. Climate change is a science fiction disaster scenario like an alien invasion or a giant meteor impacting earth. Leftists are now a religious cult where faith determines beliefs but that has nothing to do with science which is skeptical and never settled. The Russian conspiracy with fake proof is the same as climate change with fake proof.
LOL! Who cares what these losers think? They’ re all idiots, especially John legend and Mark Cuban.
The same old Hollywood fools losing their minds. Can we do it again tomorrow?
All the complainers can do deep knee bends over fire hydrants, I HAVE TO WORK HARDER FOR A LIVING MAKING LESS. Thank you President Trump.
Boy…that list is a huge gaggle of idiots, isn’ t it?
Anytime Hollywood is pissed, it means its the right thing to do! Thank you Donald Trump. The earth will take care if itself. Its only mans own arrogance that people think we are damaging the planet. Its Climate change of the Earth itself. Cycles of its own doing! Not Man! Tump just got the USA out of the Globalist Grip with Climate change as the excuse to weaken this Country so they can get us out of the way for the One World Government!
As a side note…a HUGE thanks to the Democrat Party. Seriously. If it wasn’ t for the absolute over the top, insane, obstructionist, and continual extreme behavior of your members and leaders (many of the tweeters above) , I fear that the Pres. might have wavered in his resolve to exit this accord. But your behavior made it way, way easier for him to stay the course. So again…a HUGE thanks.
A toast, dear Sir, for your excellent reply. Cheers!
Global warming (aka climate change) is the religion of the stupid.
Sheep, lemmings, and Leftists are easily manipulated.
We’ re all gonna drown now! Run for your lives! Where’s a safe space when you need one? Get me outta here, I’ m a celebrity.
Now we know Trump did the right thing. The elitist idiots in hollywood are against it….. Go Trump.
‘PITTSBURGH, NOT PARIS!’ Thank You President Trump.
Good for Trump! America First! Putting the people first. Bad Deal. Just take a look at all who are crying about – Big Business, Hollywood, Liberals, Big Media, Freeloading stupid other countries who let in millions of undocumented Muslims to their own peril and still don’ t get it – and you know Trump absolutely made the right call on this one.

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