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North Korea ‘One Step Away’ From Launching Nuclear Missile To The United States Of America


If North Korea succeeds in its recent tests, then under Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship the hermit state will be capable of using its nuclear missiles to attack the United States of…
If North Korea succeeds in its recent tests, then under Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship the hermit state will be capable of using its nuclear missiles to attack the United States of America.
According to American specialist Jeffrey Lewis, North Korea is just one obstacle away from developing and launching a ballistic missile with nuclear warhead. The missile, which is still under developing stage, will be capable of hitting the mainland America.
Lewis noted that as soon as Kim Jong-un’s scientists and military researchers will figure out how to attach a nuclear warhead that can withstand the heat of being launched from Pyongyang to Washington DC their mission of nuking the States will be complete.
Lewis told The Sun that North Korea “almost certainly” has a warhead capable of being fit onto the missile. All they are currently trying to do is make some necessary tweaks in their design that will sustain the ample amount of heat it will release once it is fired from the land.
“The major question now is not whether the warhead is small enough to mount on an ICBM but whether it is rugged enough to survive the shock, vibration and extreme temperatures that a nuclear warhead would experience on an intercontinental trajectory, in which it would be shot into space and then re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere, ” he said.
The statement from Jeffrey Lewis comes after North Korea has said that it is “not a long way off at all” from developing their own nuclear weapon that could target the U. S.
A released statement from Pyongyang’s state-run media openly called out to President Donald Trump’s tweet from last December in which he suggested that DPRK’s nuclear weapon will never reach the U. S. mainland.
North Korea’s Recent Missile Tests
On April 4, North Korea launched a medium-range ballistic missile which reached the Sea of Japan. The weapon’s test came after a day of celebration for North Korea’s Eternal President Kim II-sung. According to the United States Military and the South Korean Armed Forces, in the same month, a KN-15 medium-range ballistic missile was fired and failed almost immediately. In the early hours of April 29, another missile was hurled from Bukchang in the South Pyeongan province, and just like KN-15, it failed shortly after liftoff.
In May, Kim carried out another ballistic missile test. The said missile flew for 30 minutes, covering a distance of 700 km and according to BBC, it reached an altitude upwards of 2,000 km.
On June 8, the hermit state fired four consecutive anti-ship missiles off its east coast, near the port city of Wonsan.
North Korea’s Nuclear Missiles And Possession Of Hydrogen Bomb:
As earlier reported by the Inquisitr, under Kim Jong-un’s regime North Korea has successfully launched its short-range ballistic ammunition. From the past couple of years, the isolated nation is trying to build weapons of mass destruction.
The recent images of Punggye-Ri site appear to show that the rogue state is ready to launch a nuclear test. U. S. based analysts 38 North say that the acquired images show “continued activity around the North Portal, new activity in the Main Administrative Area, and a few personnel around the site’s Command Centre.”
The Institute for Science and International Security said in a released statement that since the end of 2014, Kim has added an estimated 4-6 nuclear weapons to his arsenal. Earlier this year, the dictator’s state-run newspaper claimed that they have the most powerful hydrogen bomb in their arsenal and would strike at any time. The state-run newspaper Rodong Sinmun claimed that their country possesses the weaponry to strike at the heart of the America and its East Asian allies.
[Featured Image by Amir Kholousi/ISNA/AP Images]

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