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NYT Makes Comey's Testimony About Rape Somehow


Apparently former FBI Director Comey now knows what it’s like to be a victim of rape, according to a NYT article published after his testimony to the Senate.
Apparently former FBI Director James Comey now knows what it’s like to be a victim of rape or sexual assault, according to a New York Times article published Thursday following his testimony to the Senate.
NYT writer Susan Chira compares Comey’s experience facing a barrage of questions to the environment that sexual assault and rape victims experience every day.
“A man is being publicly grilled about why he was alone in a room with someone he felt was threatening him, ” Chira writes. “Why didn’ t he simply resign if he felt uncomfortable with what his boss was asking him to do?”
Chira goes on to ask readers if this scenario sounds familiar, claiming that, if the gender roles had been reversed, the incident would be akin to rape or sexual harassment.
She cites “dozens of people” who picked up on this comparison and took to Twitter, featuring a tweet from Danielle Campoamor, an editor for once wrote a piece on how people should sent Hillary Clinton a thank you card “because she deserves it.”
Victims of sexual assault & harassment know EXACTLY what #Comey means when he says he was too shocked to tell Trump he was wrong. #ComeyDay
— Danielle Campoamor (@DCampoamor) June 8,2017
Chira also includes Donald Trump Jr.’s tweet of Senator Roy Blunt’s question to Comey about why he would take calls from the president if he told Attorney General Jeff Sessions he didn’ t want to be alone with him.
Sen Blunt: If you told Sessions you didn’ t want to be alone with Trump again, why did you continue to take his calls?
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 8,2017
Chira calls Comey a “Washington insider” with a similar build to basketball star Lebron James who looked ashamed that he had been unable to resist President Donald Trump. When Comey admitted that he wanted to speak up but couldn’ t find the strength, this would be the same way a sexual assault victim would feel, Chira claims.
“These are the emotions that many women have struggled to explain in the face of sexual harassment, ” Chira says. “Imbalance of power often lies at the heart of sexual harassment or assault cases, from those of Roger Ailes and Bill O’ Reilly at Fox News to the trial of Bill Cosby.”
She closes by delighting in the fact that the role reversal had taken place, saying she was relieved that, for one day, men could finally see the plight of women.
“Sexual harassment and assault often provoke debates about credibility, fairness and bias, ” Chira concludes. “But at least for today, the tables were turned, and men could glimpse what women have often endured.”
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