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Trump demanded 'loyalty' and asked for an end to the Flynn investigation, Comey will testify


Top national security officials face Senate questioning
Former FBI Director James B. Comey feared from their first meeting that President Trump was trying to forge a “patronage relationship” between the two of them and was intruding on the “FBI’s role as an independent investigative agency, ” he plans to tell Congress.
In testimony released a day before he is to appear Thursday at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Comey recounts Trump’s demand for “loyalty” and his request that the bureau drop at least part of its investigation of former national security advisor Michael Flynn .
Comey draws no legal conclusions in his statement and does not accuse Trump of seeking to obstruct justice. His detailed account of awkward and often tense conversations over four months, however, provides evidence that he thought the president was attempting to inappropriately intercede on behalf of Flynn and influence the FBI’s investigation into whether any associates of Trump’s were involved in Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election.
The testimony could mark a milestone in the Russia case, which has stymied the Trump administration since his first days in office.
Trump’s ability to weather the investigation politically depends to a large degree on his support among Republicans, who control both houses of Congress. So far, GOP leaders have largely stood with Trump, reflecting the views of most Republican voters.
Whether that continues depends heavily on the investigation being led by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is only now getting started.
In the meantime, public opinion could be shaped by Thursday’s testimony. Until now the main allegations in the investigation have been leveled by anonymous officials speaking to reporters and have involved people associated with Trump, not the president himself.
The hearing, by contrast — which will feature a clearly identified, prominent law enforcement official on national television describing possible wrongdoing by Trump — could shift that dynamic.
The Senate committee released Comey’s statement shortly after the end of a contentious hearing Wednesday during which two senior intelligence officials repeatedly refused to answer questions about whether Trump had asked them to intervene with the FBI to try to impede or alter the investigation.
Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Michael S. Rogers denied feeling “pressured” or “directed” to intervene, but pointedly refused to say whether Trump had asked them to do so.
They left unclear what their legal basis was for declining to answer — at one point Coats said, “I’m not sure I have a legal basis” — and their lack of answers drew angry responses from senators of both parties.
“Before we adjourn, I would ask each of you to take a message back to the administration, ” Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard M. Burr (R-N. C.) admonished both men at the end of the hearing. “At no time should you be in a position where you come to Congress without an answer.”
The Comey testimony before the same panel is likely to deepen the political risk for Trump and perhaps legal jeopardy as well. Some legal experts said that Comey’s claim that the president may have sought to close down the Flynn investigation provides strong evidence that Trump may have attempted to obstruct justice, a federal crime.
Federal law defines the crime as any effort to “corruptly” seek to “obstruct or impede” the “due and proper administration of the law.”
“If Comey is right — and the president was asking him to drop the investigation — we have an increasingly strong case of obstruction, ” Jennifer Daskal, a law professor at American University, said Wednesday.
“After all, if a president asking his top law enforcement official to halt an investigation isn’ t an effort to impede, I don’ t what is.”
Democrats seized on the disclosures, but most stopped short of talking of criminal charges or impeachment, saying that more time was needed for the congressional investigations and for Mueller to conduct his inquiry.
“This president was engaged in pressuring the head of the FBI when it came to a criminal investigation. That’s pretty serious, ” said Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate.
„It’s hard to imagine that a man can become president of the United States and not understand the most basic — basic — rules of criminal law and investigations.“
Republicans loyal to Trump tried to play down the impact.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a former federal prosecutor, said on MSNBC that Trump’s comments to Comey were „normal New York City conversation“ and that the president didn’ t realize his remarks were inappropriate.
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said that “I’ m not going to prejudge any of this…. Let these investigations go where the facts take them and then let’s make some judgments.”
Others noted that Comey confirmed in his statement something that Trump had asserted — that the former FBI chief had told him he was not a target of the bureau’s investigation.
“The president is pleased that Mr. Comey has finally publicly confirmed his private reports that the president was not under investigation in any Russian probe, ” Trump’s lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, said in a brief statement. “The president feels completely and totally vindicated.”
According to the testimony, Comey several times told Trump that he was not personally the target of the investigation. But, Comey adds, he was reluctant to say so publicly because, among other reasons, that would „create a duty to correct, should that change.“
Trump fired Comey last month, revealing later that “this Russia thing” had been on his mind when he did so. He later derided the FBI director as “crazy, a nut job” to Russia’s foreign minister and its ambassador during a private meeting in the Oval Office, according to published reports that cited a leaked White House transcript. The White House has not denied those reports.
Comey’s concerns about Trump’s efforts to influence him began with their first meeting, at Trump Tower in January, before the inauguration. After that encounter, he says, he felt “compelled” to immediately write an account. He began it while sitting in an FBI vehicle “the moment I walked out of the meeting” — something he said he never thought he needed to do after his only two private talks with President Obama.
A couple of weeks later, on Friday, Jan. 27, Comey says, Trump called him at lunchtime and invited him to dinner that night in the White House. Comey says he had expected other people would be there, but it turned out to be just him and Trump, served by Navy stewards in the Green Room.
His startlingly detailed account depicts the president as applying a crude, street-corner type of pressure to make sure Comey was on his side.
Trump began by asking him whether he wanted to stay as FBI director. Comey says he found that the request “strange” since Trump had already told him twice he hoped he would stay, but Trump went on to say that lots of people wanted the job.
Comey writes that he immediately got the sense that Trump wanted to create “some sort of patronage relationship.” He adds, “That concerned me greatly, given the FBI’s traditionally independent status in the executive branch.”
At that meeting, Comey says, Trump told him, “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty.”
“I didn’ t move, speak, or change my facial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed, ” Comey recounts.

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