After releasing a Windows 10 Mobile build earlier in the day, Microsoft released the first new PC build to the Fast ring in almost two weeks, which is 16226. Here are the new features.
Earlier today, Microsoft released Windows 10 Mobile build 15226 to the Fast ring, also offering 15223 to the Slow ring. Now, it’s time for a new PC build, which is 16226.
It’s the first one in almost two weeks, since the feature-heavy build 16215 was offered to the Fast ring. As usual, it comes from the Redstone 3 Development Branch, and it’s a preview of the upcoming Fall Creators Update.
Windows 10 for PCs build 16226 contains a ton of new features, so let’s dive right in:
There were also some improvements to the Japanese Input Method Editor. But that’s it for now. Combined with all of the new features from 16215, there should be something of interest for anyone.