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North Korea: Hawaii Preps For Nuclear Attack, Ballistic Missiles Could Reach Island Within 20 Minutes


North Korea’s latest provocations have been the catalyst to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency issuing a plan aimed at helping residents and visitors prepare for a potential North Korean…
North Korea’s latest provocations have been the catalyst to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency issuing a plan aimed at helping residents and visitors prepare for a potential North Korean missile attack. The plan was rolled out this Friday and is intended to prep those on the Island for a missile attack that would give those in Hawaii barely eight minutes warning, according to USA Today.
An event such as this is, “currently assessed to be very low, ” however, emergency planners said it is important to prepare for the worst. HEMA administrator Vern Miyagi said that they do not want to alarm the public.
North Korea has been consistent in testing intercontinental ballistic missiles that, theoretically, could deliver a nuclear warhead to Hawaii within 20 minutes. The weapon’s speed would only give Hawaii’s emergency teams eight to 12 minutes to warn the public.
In a worst-case scenario, an emergency plan would involve a 15-kiloton nuclear weapon being detonated 1,000 feet above Honolulu.
HEMA’s public information campaign follows the development that U. S. intelligence officials now believe North Korea is capable of launching a missile 4,000 miles, which is within the range of the Hawaiian islands and their 1.4 million residents, according to Fox News .
During the early Cold War era, students hid under their desks during the popularized, “duck and cover.

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