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WWE News: Chris Jericho Vs. Finn Balor Match, Roman Reigns Gives Promo To Tokyo Fans After Main Event


The WWE superstars performed for their second night of action for the Tokyo fans, with Chris Jericho making a brief return to take on “The Demon” Finn Balor. The latest show also featured…
The WWE superstars performed for their second night of action for the Tokyo fans, with Chris Jericho making a brief return to take on “The Demon” Finn Balor. The latest show also featured Enzo Amore in action as well as the WWE Raw Tag Team, Women’s and Cruiserweight champions all competing in the ring. In addition to that, Roman Reigns teamed up with one of his former Shield brothers and also delivered a message to the Tokyo fans afterward. Was this a big heel moment from Roman Reigns that many WWE fans have been waiting for, though?
As WrestleZone reported earlier on Saturday, the second night of Tokyo WWE shows provided some unique matches on the card. One of those had Jericho back in action for his second-straight night, as well as Finn Balor. It was reported by WrestleZone’s Nick Paglino that both stars received great reactions from the crowd ahead of the match. Both superstars have been fan favorites over the past several months but competed against one another for a different matchup. Balor, who has recently been involved in a feud with Elias Samson, was able to capture the victory by hitting Coup de Grace on Jericho for a pinfall. The match received “This is Awesome” chants from the fans in attendance. Just a night earlier, Y2J took on Hideo Itami, who posted a tweet to promote their battle.
Also of note, Enzo Amore was in action at the show. Fans saw him recently attacked on Raw by former tag team partner Big Cass who laid him out backstage several times. The mystery was solved on another episode of Raw, with Cass revealing to Enzo he had done it before knocking him down with a big boot. This past Monday’s Raw saw Cass attack Enzo again from the stage tossing him down the ramp. Enzo was in singles action for the WWE Tokyo show, taking on NXT star Hideo Itami. The NXT star had gained momentum in the match, and after delivering kicks to take down Enzo, was calling for the Go To Sleep finisher. However, Enzo’s former tag team partner came out and attacked both men. It was reported by Wrestling Inc that Cass received strong heat from the fans as he headed backstage.
In another interesting battle, The Club was in action against the current WWE tag team champions. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson have mostly played heels during their time with WWE Raw, but it appears based on recent matches at live events they’ re moving towards that face role. In the match, The Club attempted to hit their finisher Magic Killer late but Sheamus saved Cesaro from the move. From there, a double team finisher from the champs put away Gallows and Anderson. However, the losing team was said to get quite the round of cheers when they headed backstage, as they should, do their former work with New Japan Pro Wrestling.
In the main event, Roman Reigns teamed up with Dean Ambrose as the two Shield brothers reunited again. The match came a night after Ambrose teamed up with Rollins. For the Reigns’ match, he and Ambrose battled the same opponents, with The Miz and Samoa Joe taking them on. The Miz’s wife Maryse was once again at ringside, after being ejected a night earlier for slapping Ambrose.
The close of the match saw Maryse get involved as Miz distracted the referee. Their plan failed to work, though, as Roman Reigns was revved up. He ultimately saved his tag partner Ambrose from the Coquina Clutch by nailing Samoa Joe with the Superman Punch followed by a spear. From there, Ambrose connected on a Dirty Deeds on Miz to get the pinfall victory for his team.
Following his team’s win, Roman Reigns picked up the mic to deliver a promo. Unfortunately for those wanting that heel turn, he delivered nothing but praise and appreciation for Japan. Reigns told the fans he loves them all coming to the show and knows everyone backstage does too. He added that the superstars can’ t experience all areas of the world, but he makes sure Japan is on the list of places he experiences “because it’s the greatest.” It seems as if the two nights of action in Tokyo provided plenty of unique matches and interactions. A fan in attendance captured video of Reigns’ speech and posted on YouTube.
The latest promo comes as WWE continues to try to push Reigns as their new top star with the fans in many regions of the world. However, it still seems there is a disconnect with Reigns and the fans in America, as he’s consistently booed each and every appearance in cities around the country. Will the fans be able to ever give Reigns a warm reception as a face, or will it not happen until he turns heel like many fans want?
[Featured Image by WWE]

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