Start GRASP/Japan ‘Feminist’ Joss Whedon’s ex publishes scathing takedown: ‘Hypocrite’ is ‘not who he...

‘Feminist’ Joss Whedon’s ex publishes scathing takedown: ‘Hypocrite’ is ‘not who he pretends to be’


Kai Cole, the ex-wife of…
Kai Cole, the ex-wife of “feminist” writer, producer, and director Joss Whedon, published an article on TheWrap in which she called the social justice warrior and entertainer a “hypocrite” for his treatment of her and other women.
Whedon is a liberal filmmaker who has prided himself on being a “feminist.” The entertainer has been extremely outspoken about President Donald Trump. Whedon in April shared a deeply offensive joke at the president’s expense on Twitter, but deleted it almost immediately after receiving bipartisan backlash.
The controversial post showed a picture of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) welcoming young women to the U. S. Capitol with a caption stating: “Tonight on White House Wife Hunt, Donny makes host P. Ryan give 2 more contestants the ‘Not a 10’ card.”
According to the original posting of the photo by Ryan’s office, the young women in the photo were cancer survivors.
“Advocacy is not limited to adults. These Wisconsin teens shared some powerful stories with me about their fight against childhood cancer, ” the speaker posted on his official account.
In May, Whedon shared  an over-politicized tweet commemorating Mother’s Day at the Trump administration’s expense.
Whedon wrote, “Today I gratefully give my mother the gift of having been dead for 25 years and not having to see what a tub of f***ery our country’s become.

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