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How the ClustrixDB Query Evaluation Model Works How the ClustrixDB Query Evaluation Model Works


Learn how the ClustrixDB Query Evaluation Model does automation data distribution and automatic data rebalancing.
Recently, we’ ve started to dig into the internals of ClustrixDB, specifically how ClustrixDB accomplishes horizontal scaling of both writes and reads without sharding. Next, we dug into the details of the multi-patented ClustrixDB Rebalancer. This time, we will discuss the ClustrixDB Query Evaluation Model.
ClustrixDB is a MySQL-compatible distributed RDBMS that provides linear scale out of both writes and reads, while maintaining relational semantics, including ACID transactionality and referential integrity. Typically, MySQL workloads are only able to scale out both writes and reads if sharding is used. Sharding is the strategy of partitioning your MySQL application workload across multiple separate MySQL database servers, allowing queries and data CRUD operations to fan-out. This means multiple separate MySQL physical servers must be deployed, the workload data needs to be partitioned across them, and the application needs to be rewritten to manage any ACID transactionality needed between those servers. ClustrixDB is able to provide a similar linear scale out of sharding, but the data distribution is automatically handled via the multi-patented ClustrixDB Rebalancer behind the scenes. The application doesn’ t require rewrites and sees only a single logical RDBMS while all cross-node ACID transactionality is handled automatically.
In short, ClustrixDB can linearly scale out via a combination of the following:
The ClustrixDB Rebalancer is one of the core components providing #1 and #3 above.
Horizontal scaling secret #2 is handled by the ClustrixDB Query Optimizer, and the Query Evaluation Model. We drilled into the details of the Query Optimizer last time; this time, we’ ll discuss the Query Evaluation Model.
A key ClustrixDB functionality is its ability to “send the query to the data.” This is one of the fundamental principles of how ClustrixDB can scale near linearly as more nodes are added. Other RDBMS systems routinely move large amounts of data to the node that is processing the query, then eliminate all the data that don’ t fit the query (often lots of data) , whereas ClustrixDB appreciably reduces network traffic performance issues by only moving qualified data to the requesting node. Processors on multiple nodes can additionally be brought to bear on the data selection process. The system produces results more quickly by selecting data on multiple nodes in parallel rather than selecting all data from a single node that must first gather the required data from the other nodes in the system.
ClustrixDB uses parallel query evaluation for simple queries and Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) for analytic queries (akin to columnar stores) . The Fair Scheduler additionally ensures that OLTP queries are prioritized ahead of OLAP queries. Data is read from the ranking replica assigned by the Rebalancer.
The ranking replica will either reside on the same node as the query initiator (i.e. GTM, or Global Transaction Manager, for that transaction’s session) or require at most a single hop. The number of hops that one query requires (zero or one) doesn’ t change as dataset size and the number of nodes increases enabling linear scalability of both writes and queries.
Queries are broken down during compilation into fragments that are analogous to a collection of functions. For example, a simple query can be compiled into two functions: the first function looks up where the value resides (i.e., from the local metadata map) , and the second function reads the correct value from the container on that node and slice and returns to the user (the details of concurrency, etc., have been left out for clarity and will be discussed in a later blog) .
As seen below, Fragment 1 runs locally to look up on which node the slice of DONATION containing id=15 resides. Fragment 2 is then sent to that node, and run there. The result is collected on that node and then sent back to the initiating node (i.e., GTM) . Any final operations (e.g., GROUP BY or ORDER BY) would be run on the GTM node, and then the result is returned to the calling application.
Much more interesting than point-SELECTs are JOINs. JOINs describe the ability of an RDBMS to connect two different tables together via parent/child relationships, instantiated as PK (primary key) /FK (foreign key) relationships. The automatic maintenance of parent/child relationships is called “referential integrity, ” and is natively provided by RDBMSs, but not by NoSQL DBMSs. This is why NoSQL databases have (very) poor support for JOINs, and why structured business data is typically stored in RDBMSs.
JOINs require more data movement by their nature. ClustrixDB achieves minimal data movement even in complex JOINs because:
Let’s look at a query that gets the name and amount for all donations collected by the particular bundler, known by id = 15:
ClustrixDB’s Query Evaluation Model would be as follows: the ClustrixDB Query Optimizer will look at the relevant statistics including quantiles, hot lists, etc., to determine a plan. The concurrency control for the query is managed by the starting node (that has the session) , called the GTM node for that query. It coordinates with Local Transaction Manager running on each node. (for details see Concurrency Control, which will be discussed in a later blog) . The chosen plan has the following logical steps:
The key here is in Step #4. For joins, when the first row is read, there is a specific value for the join column. Using this specific value, the next node (which might be itself) can be looked up precisely.
For example, assume we have three nodes. The three nodes are drawn multiple times in a single query, for every stage of query evaluation.
Now that we have seen the path of a single row, let’s assume we didn’t have the B. ID=15 condition. The Join will now run in parallel on multiple machines since is present on multiple nodes. Let’s look at another view, this time the nodes are drawn once and the steps flow downward in chronological order. Please note that while the forwarding for Join shows that rows may go to any node, this is in the context of the entire sets of rows. One single row usually only goes to one node.
As we see above, for a single row, ClustrixDB is able to precisely forward it by using a unicast.
Now, let’s zoom out and see what a large JOIN means at a system level, and how many rows are forwarded in a cluster.

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