Start GRASP/Korea As The U. S. Flies Bombers Over Korea, China Warns Donald Trump...

As The U. S. Flies Bombers Over Korea, China Warns Donald Trump To ‘Cool It’


Over the past weekend, U. S. President Donald Trump continued his bellicose rhetoric towards North Korea. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Russian diplomats had warned the Trump administration…
Over the past weekend, U. S. President Donald Trump continued his bellicose rhetoric towards North Korea. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Russian diplomats had warned the Trump administration that it believed that North Korea had developed the ability to launch a nuclear attack against the continental United States. President Trump responded on Twitter, telling his followers that North Korea had been “making fools of U. S. negotiators,” and hinting that he is considering military options to deal with the threat posed by the hermit nation.
As reported by USA Today, tensions between the U. S. and North Korea have been high for months. Those tensions are likely to increase after U. S. bombers conducted a training exercise over the Korean Peninsula last night. The U. S. military said that two B-1B Lancer bombers engaged in a nighttime training exercise with forces from Japan and South Korea. The move comes at a time when it is being suggested that North Korea is set to carry out more missile tests, and after Kim Jong-un threatened to explode a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean.

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