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Meadows Calls For Individual Mandate


Mark Meadows said linking the repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate with the GOP’s tax reform legislation is picking up traction.
House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said linking the repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate with the GOP’s tax reform legislation is picking up traction among his colleagues.
Meadows and GOP Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas are working together on crafting the proposal, that could potentially be included in the House legislation or added in the Senate.
“I think there’s a broad spectrum of our conference who believe that this is the thing to do,” So it may have started with Sen. Cotton and myself, but it certainly doesn’t finish there,” Meadows told reporters Friday. “I mean obviously I think there is a growing consensus and if the chairman listens to the will of the conference, I think ultimately it’s something we will strongly consider.”
President Donald Trump took to social media to tweet his support of the tax reform bill as a vehicle to repeal the mandate Wednesday.
Wouldn’t it be great to Repeal the very unfair and unpopular Individual Mandate in ObamaCare and use those savings for further Tax Cuts…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1,2017
House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady, who had expressed some reluctance to the idea earlier in the week, said they are taking the idea under consideration ad discussions continue.
“The president feels very strongly about including this at some step before the final process,” he told Politico Friday. “No decisions have been made.”
The Ways and Means Committee is slated to mark up their tax reform bill, which was released Thursday, early next week.

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