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More North Korean tests likely to come after launch of most sophisticated missile so far


North Korea fired what may be its most sophisticated ballistic missile ever Tuesday, flouting President Trump’s threats and international efforts to halt the rogue nation’s nuclear weapons program and kicking off what national security analysts say is likely the first in a surge of new tests from the
North Korea fired what may be its most sophisticated ballistic missile ever Tuesday, flouting President Trump ’s threats and international efforts to halt the rogue nation’s nuclear weapons program and kicking off what national security analysts say is likely the first in a surge of new tests from the regime of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the coming months.
The missile was tested in the wake of a 12-day East Asian tour by Mr. Trump focused largely on the North Korean threat, and just days after a top-level Chinese emissary traveled to Pyongyang for four days of talks, the first by a senior Chinese diplomat in two years. The timing suggests U. S. hopes that Beijing would rein in its troublesome neighbor and trading partner are fading.
While Mr. Trump at the White House tersely vowed that he would “take care of” the increasing North Korean threat, regional analysts said tensions will likely grow through February, when South Korea hosts the Winter Olympics. Pyongyang may seek to disrupt the international event with either a nuclear or major missile test.
“February will be the key month,” said Harry J. Kazianis, the head of defense studies at the Center for the National Interest in Washington. “That’s when the North Koreans can be expected to hold their biggest tests and, let’s face it, the media coverage is going to be insane if they do.”
South Korean President Moon Jae-in has told government officials to closely review whether the latest North Korean missile launch will affect South Korean efforts to successfully host the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.
U. S. officials said the latest test, carried out early Wednesday North Korea time, appeared to be of an intercontinental ballistic missile. The projectile evidently went for height rather than distance in order to assess its ability to withstand the rigors of re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.
The test was the first by North Korea since mid-September but the 20th launch of a ballistic missile this year and apparently its third successful test of an ICBM following two launches in July.
The U. N. Security Council has scheduled an emergency meeting on the North’s launch, The Associated Press reported. Italy chairs the council, and its spokesman said the Wednesday afternoon meeting was requested by Japan, the U. S. and South Korea. At the White House, Mr. Trump conferred by phone with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korea ’s Mr.

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