Start United States USA — Events Wednesday’s Mini-Report, 11.8.17

Wednesday’s Mini-Report, 11.8.17


Today’s edition of quick hits.
Today’s edition of quick hits:
* The ripple effects from yesterday’s election results: “Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) said the losses could shape the tax bill going forward. ‘I mean, it could, because the elections went against the Republicans,’ Hatch said in a brief morning interview.”
* Memories can be tricky: “Corey Lewandowski, the former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, said on Tuesday night that he now remembers receiving an email from Carter Page about a trip to Moscow despite claiming in March that he did not grant Page permission to take the trip.”
* In related news: “The federal judge overseeing the criminal trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and business partner Rick Gates imposed a gag order Wednesday in the case ordering all parties, including potential witnesses, not to make statements that might prejudice jurors.”
* A story worth watching: “Prosecutors are investigating whether billionaire businessman Carl Icahn pushed for a federal policy change that would have benefited one of his investments while he was serving as an adviser to President Donald Trump.”
* I have a hunch Trump wouldn’t bring it up anyway: “Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Wednesday he would tell U. S. President Donald Trump to ‘lay off’ if he raises the issue of human rights when they meet.”
* Contemporary American life: “A Miami private school is offering parents an unusual item for sale: bulletproof panels for their kids’ backpacks.”
* On a related note: “Sens. Jeff Flake and Martin Heinrich are planning to introduce bipartisan legislation that will make it a law for military to report misdemeanors of domestic violence to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, the database used for firearms background checks.”
* Louie Gohmert says odd things: “GOP Congressman Says Nature Has A Way Of Cleaning Up Massive Oil Spills.”
* He did show up at the courthouse, ready to serve: “The former leader of the free world reported for Cook County jury duty Wednesday morning at the Daley Center but ultimately was dismissed, officials said. Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans told reporters shortly before noon that Obama was not tapped to serve on a jury.”
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.

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