Start GRASP/Korea Ben Cardin praises new North Korea sanctions: 'That was a major accomplishment'...

Ben Cardin praises new North Korea sanctions: 'That was a major accomplishment' for Trump


‚That was a good move. That was a major accomplishment. I give our team a lot of credit for getting that done,‘ the Maryland Democrat said.
The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee praised the Trump administration for new sanctions imposed against North Korea by the United Nations.
„That was a good move. That was a major accomplishment. I give our team a lot of credit for getting that done. They’re pretty strong additional sanctions to be imposed against North Korea because of their continued testing of ballistic missiles,“ Ben Cardin, D-Md., said on “Fox News Sunday.”
He added it was “great” to see China and Russia join the in U. S. voting for the sanctions.
„It now needs to be followed up with diplomacy where we get China and the United States working with the same strategy with North Korea to find a way that we can ease the tensions and get North Korea to change directions. So it’s a good first step,“ Cardin said.
On Friday, all 15 members of the U. N. Security Council voted to impose tough new sanctions on Pyonyang in response to the regime’s latest launch of a ballistic missile.

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