Start GRASP/China Cameron to lead billion-dollar China trade fund

Cameron to lead billion-dollar China trade fund


David Cameron is to take on a role leading a billion-dollar investment initiative between the UK and China.
David Cameron is to take on a role leading a billion-dollar investment initiative between the UK and China.
The former prime minister played a key role in leading efforts to boost trade links with Beijing while he was in Downing Street and Chancellor Philip Hammond welcomed his new role during an official visit to China.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond and Chinese vice premier Ma Kai with other delegates at the UK-China Economic Financial Dialogue in Beijing yesterday. Picture: Getty Images
Cameron, pictured above, will take charge of the £750 million fund to improve ports, roads and rail networks between China and its trading partners.
The fund is supported by the British Government but will not involve any taxpayers’ money. Its launch was announced as part of a series of deals hailed by Chancellor Philip Hammond on a trade visit to China.
A spokesman for 
Cameron said the former prime minister’s role had been discussed with the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (Acoba), which considers roles taken up by ex-ministers.

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