Start United States USA — Art Hazardous icy and snowy conditions for Christmas Eve Video

Hazardous icy and snowy conditions for Christmas Eve Video


Winter weather alerts are in effect for 22 states from Washington to Maine.
Great to be here. It’s T minus one day until Christmas. We’re tracking the weather, the travel, including Santa’s travel, and the last-minute shopping deals. Let’s start with the weather. It’s nasty in some places. Look at this shot of shoppers trudging through the snow. In is Omaha, mb mb. In Boston, ice-coved cars. I know it looks like my window is closed. But in fact. It’s just icy. Oh, man. That’s great video. But the weather situation is no joke. We have one storm that just moved out. Two phew ones on the way. A big arctic blast that will swoop in after that. Let’s cake off with rob who is covering it all. It gets us in the spirit of Christmas. Talking about getting through it. Where you need to go. Air travel is no joke. Yesterday, this ice storm across parts of interior new England. Got nasty. Along the coast. Eastern gloucester getting it as well. Boston saw some ice. It was tough getting it going. We have a series of storms coming in. We’re just getting started with this bad weather. Heavy snow and ice. Blasting cities from coast to coast this morning. As pair of winter storms wall hop the country. Millions facing treacherous driving conditions this Chriss a move. The roads are starting to get slick. Reporter: Snow slamming Colorado overnight. Parts of I-70 forced to shut down for a time. Winter weather alerts issued across the country. 22 states from Washington to Maine in or expecting hazardous weather. In Pennsylvania, multiple accidents. Drivers sliding off the road. Cars stalling due to the freezing weather. Traffic slow. The ice. That’s what makes me nervous. Tralers in Ohio warned of black ice. Snow squalls causing low visibility. Reporter: In Wyoming, whiteout conditions on the roadways there. This SUV practically disappearing in the blizzard. Drivers putting on hazards as they slip and slide. After kaeling with tough driving conditions, many might get that white Christmas afterall. A white Christmas developing here today. Enough to cover the road waist, if not the sidewalks, too, and the grassy areas. Midnight mass maybe an issue from Pittsburgh up through Cleveland and Buffalo. Snow there. A coastal low develops overnight through tomorrow morning. This will keep it more of a rain, snow, sleet mix. Places inland. North and west of I-95. A fairly significant snowfall. Interior new England. Could see in some cases, 8,10 inches. Maybe a foot of snow. It looks like it will stick around. Look at the cold air diving down. 5 degrees for a wind chill in the arctic air. More on this later in the program. Easy week nenld the weather department. The other big prechristmas
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