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Russia accuses U. S. of breaking treaty over defense system sale to Japan


Russia’s deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov on Saturday accused the United States of violating a key arms treaty by selling a missile defense system to Japan. „The U. S. is deploying them (missile defense systems) at their military bases in Romania and Poland, that is near our western borders,
Russia’s deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov on Saturday accused the United States of violating a key arms treaty by selling a missile defense system to Japan.
„The U. S. is deploying them (missile defense systems) at their military bases in Romania and Poland, that is near our western borders, which goes against the 1987 INF Treaty banning the deployment of such systems on the ground,“ Ryabkov said in a statement published on the Russian Foreign Ministry website.
„The fact that such complexes could now appear on Russia’s eastern borders creates a situation that we cannot ignore in our military planning,“ said Ryabkov.
On Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the deployment of the U. S. missile defense system would have a negative impact on relations between Tokyo and Moscow.
„We consider the step made by the Japanese side as going against efforts of ensuring peace and stability in the region,“ Zakharova said, adding that Moscow has „deep regret and serious concern“ over the move.

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