Start United States USA — mix Details of sex claims against Keillor revealed

Details of sex claims against Keillor revealed


Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) last night released additional details of allegations of sexual harassment against humorist Garrison Keillor yesterday, saying his alleged conduct went well
Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) last night released additional details of allegations of sexual harassment against humorist Garrison Keillor yesterday, saying his alleged conduct went well beyond his account of an accidental touch of a woman’s bare back.
The station said Mr Keillor was accused by a woman who worked on his ‚A Prairie Home Companion‘ radio show of dozens of sexually inappropriate incidents over several years, including requests for sexual contact and explicit sexual communications and touching.
The woman, whom MPR has not identified, detailed the allegations in a 12-page letter that included excerpts of emails and written messages.
MPR said as it attempted to investigate the case, Mr Keillor and his attorney refused to grant access to his computer, emails and text messages.
Mr Keillor did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment. He has said in recent weeks he was in negotiations with MPR over separating the two sides‘ business interests.
MPR released its statement just as its news division, MPR News, was airing a lengthy investigation of allegations against Mr Keillor.
Station president Jon McTaggart said the separation was painful.
„If the full 12-page letter or even a detailed summary of the alleged incidents were to be made public, we believe that would clarify why MPR ended its business relationship with Garrison and correct the misunderstandings and misinformation about the decision,“ he added.
Outraged Keillor fans have criticised MPR for firing the best-selling writer after four decades of his telling folksy stories about his fictional Minnesota hometown of Lake Wobegon. Mr Keillor accused the station of firing him without a full investigation.
But MPR said it had launched an internal investigation as soon as it received a general allegation against Mr Keillor in August.

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