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Eight Times Democrats Refused To Stand During Trump’s Address [SLIDESHOW]


Trump’s first year in office continues to be marked by controversy and plenty of backlash from the Democratic party.
President Trump’s first year in office continues to be marked by controversy and plenty of backlash from the Democratic party.
Trump’s first State of the Union as the president was no exception as some Democratic lawmakers decided to skip out on the major event. While Georgia Rep. John Lewis was one of the few who skipped, the remaining democratic representatives sat during several key moments of Trump’s speech.
Trump rolled out new policy implementations that left many of those Democrats with sour looks on their faces. While Trump boasted about his immigration plan and recent economic gains, Democrats looked on in disgust throughout his remarks.
The Democrats couldn’t crack a smile and no celebration came from that side of the aisle. Hooting right next to them were the Republican lawmakers who cheered while Trump touted job growth, job wages and decreasing minority unemployment rate. If you look closely into the photos, the Democrats even chose to sit on their hands that night.
Here are eight times Democrats refused to stand during Trump’s address.

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