Start GRASP/Japan ISS astronaut shrinks from 9cm height increase claim, admitting space growth spurt...

ISS astronaut shrinks from 9cm height increase claim, admitting space growth spurt was fake news


Japanese astronaut Norishige Kanai admitted that he made a mistake in saying that he got 9 cm taller over a three-week period aboard the ISS. He apologized for the mismeasurement and the “fake news.”
Kanai re-measured himself after his captain questioned his apparent growth. It turned out that he only stretched 2cm aboard the International Space Station (ISS) from his Earth-bound height. “This mismeasurement appears to have become a big deal, so I must apologize for this terrible fake news,” he tweeted early Wednesday.
“It appears I can fit on the Soyuz, so I’m relieved,” wrote Kanai, who is the flight engineer on the Expedition 54/55.
41-year-old Kanai made headlines on Tuesday after he tweeted that he had rapidly grown in height during the past three weeks aboard the ISS. “We had our bodies measured after reaching space, and wow, wow, wow, I had actually grown by as much as 9 centimeters!” he wrote, adding that his height had reached 182 cm.

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