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Samsung confirms Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus AR capabilities


The much-awaited Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 smartphones are confirmed for a launch on 25th February and Samsung keeps on teasing its fans with some tricks here and there. The latest addition to this is the Samsung AR app which confirms the AR capabilities of the Galaxy S9 series.
Samsung has already started sending invites for its Unpacked event that will be held on 25th Feb. And the event also has it’s own Android App which Samsung just updated and has published a new AR trick in its unpack event app. Firstly, the app now counts downs the days till 25th Feb that’s when the Samsung will announce its upcoming flagship the Galaxy S9.
Apart from that the most interesting thing here is the addition of a new AR trick implemented here. And the deal is that you hit the AR button with the app, which is located at the top most section of the app.
Once you tap on it, a message will appear asking you to scan a Samsung or a Galaxy logo, which ever you find nearby, and guess what the app then takes you to the unpack event’s venue, which in Barcelona. That’s a pretty neat little trick, if you’re wondering about where to get that Samsung or the Galaxy Logo then just Google it and scan that from your computers or phone’s display.
Moreover, that’s the trick but is that hinting anything else, because Samsung’s press material touts a new slogan which reads “The Camera. Reimagined” and we already have a news about the same, which you can read here. And now with this new AR(augmented reality) show in place, is it saying that, similar to Apple with it’s iPhone X made a huge deal outta AR. Samsung will follow the same path and do something much better with AR, with the Samsung Galaxy S9?
Maybe an AI powered AR map could be cards, everything about it and much more will be clear on 25th Feb 2018. Meanwhile, download the Samsung AR app from here.

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