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Ban bump stocks: Justice Department moves to make them illegal to own or sell


Ban bump stocks: Justice Department moves to make them illegal
The Justice Department moved forward on Saturday with plans to ban bump stock devices and make them illegal to own or sell.
The move comes after President Trump signed an executive order that instructed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to regulate the devices, which help speed up the pace of gunfire and allow semi-automatic guns to fire at a rate that mimics a fully automatic firearm.
On Saturday, Sessions announced his office submitted a notice to the Office of Management and Budget that would clarify the definition of „machinegun“ and add bump stocks to the list of devices banned.
More: Trump takes executive action to ban bump stocks that increase weapons‘ firepower
More: ATF reviewing whether to ban ‚bump stocks‘
More: ‚Bump stocks‘ may be new to you, but federal officials have grappled with them for years
The notice is one of the first steps in banning bump stocks. After approved by the office, the DOJ says it will „seek to publish this notice as expeditiously as possible.“
The order would prohibit people from owning the devices, selling them and stop companies from manufacturing them.
„President Trump is absolutely committed to ensuring the safety and security of every American and he has directed us to propose a regulation addressing bump stocks,” Sessions said in a statement.
Bump stocks were found among the weapons used in the Las Vegas shooting that killed 58 people Oct. 1. Such bump-fire devices use the recoil of a semiautomatic firearm to rapidly pull the trigger, mimicking fully automatic firing.
The Vegas shooting, the deadliest in recent U. S. history, reignited the conversation on whether the devices are legal.
Congress banned the sale and manufacture of machine guns for civilian use in 1986, and machine guns in circulation before then are tightly regulated, limited in number and expensive.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has debated over the devices for years and has issued a series of opinions, determining that the devices were lawful.
Trump took on the issue after the Valentine’s Day high school shooting in Parkland, Fla., as students and gun-control advocates pressured him and other lawmakers to examine current gun laws.
He announced the order on bump stocks last month after meeting with survivors of the shooting.
“We must do more to protect our children,” Trump said, promising that school safety is a top priority of his administration.
Contributing: Gregory Korte, Nicole Gaudiano and David Jackson.
Follow Christal Hayes on Twitter: Journo_Christal

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