Start United States USA — mix Dershowitz: Mueller performing 'legal colonoscopy,' never should have been appointed

Dershowitz: Mueller performing 'legal colonoscopy,' never should have been appointed


Lawyer Alan Dershowitz on Tuesday said „Democrats are fueling the speculation“ around President Trump possibly firing special counsel Robert Mueller, adding that „there never should have been an appointment of special counsel.“
Lawyer Alan Dershowitz on Tuesday said „Democrats are fueling the speculation“ around President Trump possibly firing special counsel Robert Mueller, adding that „there never should have been an appointment of special counsel.“
„It’s the Democrats fuelling the speculation. I can’t see a feasible reason why the president would consider firing Mueller,“ Dershowitz said during an appearance on Fox News.
„That would create a real problem on the Republican side of the aisle. I don’t think he’ll fire him or should fire him,“ he added.
„America’s Newsroom“ anchor Sandra Smith pressed Dershowitz on Trump’s weekend tweets.
„The president with his tweets over the weekend and Monday morning saying this is the ultimate witch hunt adds fuel to the fire saying this investigation never should have began in the first place. So what is the strategy there? Why put those things out there?“ asked Smith.
Dershowitz responded by saying there had been „no probable cause“ of crimes committed by Trump and that meant a special counsel was not necessary.
„First of all, the president is 100 percent right. There never should have been an appointment of special counsel and there was no probable cause that crimes were committed,“ argued Dershowitz. „I’ve seen no credible evidence that crimes were committed by the president.“
„The investigation should never have begun. The question is how does he deal with it. He’s playing good cop, bad cop. He has some lawyers cooperating and some attacking Mueller because he wants to be ready to attack in the event there are recommendations that are negative to the president.“
The Harvard law emeritus went on to describe the Mueller investigation as a „legal colonoscopy“ that is looking at „every conceivable aspect“ of Trump’s business life.
„Who knows how many people can survive that kind of an inquiry,“ Dershowitz stated. „I think on the public things being the Russia thing and obstruction of justice these are safe grounds, but on the material of his business dealings there’s no way to know.“
The White House has reiterated that it has no plans to fire Mueller.
The president also added attorney Joseph diGenova to his personal legal team on Monday.

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