Start GRASP/China Paper notes China's 'unhappiness' over US Navy Vietnam visit

Paper notes China's 'unhappiness' over US Navy Vietnam visit


BEIJING (AP) — Beijing is unhappy with the first visit by a U. S. Navy aircraft carrier to a Vietnamese port since the Vietnam War and is monitoring developments, a Communist Party newspaper said Wednesday.
BEIJING (AP) — Beijing is unhappy with the first visit by a U. S. Navy aircraft carrier to a Vietnamese port since the Vietnam War and is monitoring developments, a Communist Party newspaper said Wednesday.
However, the Global Times said the USS Carl Vinson’s visit was unlikely to alter the balance of power in the South China Sea, which China claims virtually in its entirety and has been fortifying with military structures on man-made islands.
„China’s vigilance and unhappiness are inevitable, but we don’t think that the USS Carl Vinson’s Vietnam trip can stir up troubles in the South China Sea,“ the paper, known for its hard-line nationalist views, said in an editorial.
The visit „will not generate any special tools to pressure China,“ while the U. S. sending warships to the South China Sea will „only waste money,“ the paper said.
Vietnam and China have extensive overlapping claims to islands and resources in the sea, and U. S. officials say the port call is a sign of the U. S. commitment to the region and U. S.-Vietnam ties.
„Carl Vinson being here, me being here, this is about Vietnam,“ Vice Adm. Phillip Sawyer, commander of the U. S. 7th Fleet, told reporters in a conference call Tuesday from the Vietnamese port of Danang, where the ship docked Monday.

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