Start United States USA — Political GOP Launches ‘’ Ahead of Former FBI Director’s Book Release

GOP Launches ‘’ Ahead of Former FBI Director’s Book Release


The Republican National Committee (RNC) bought the domain name „“ and launched the website shortly before former FBI Director James Comey’s scheduled book tour next week.
The RNC website,, features quotes from senior Democratic leaders—including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)—attacking Comey’s character during the 2016 presidential election.
The website also presented other opposition research questioning the former FBI director’s credibility, including a claim that Comey tried to paint himself as an innocent, nonpartisan victim of President Trump’s administration instead of a “politically motivated Washington insider.”
“James Comey’s publicity tour is a self-serving attempt to make money and rehabilitate his own image,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement. “Comey is a liar and a leaker, and his misconduct led both Republicans and Democrats to call for his firing. If Comey wants the spotlight back on him, we’ll make sure the American people understand why he has no one but himself to blame for his complete lack of credibility.”
An RNC official told Fox News that the GOP plans to fact-check Comey’s book once it is released and create a “rapid response” effort to point out any “misstatements” or “contradictions” in the book.
“No matter what his grandstanding book says, Comey has already confirmed multiple times under oath that neither President Trump nor his staff asked him to stop the Russia investigation,” the website declares at the bottom of the page.
A preview of Comey’s first of several interviews with ABC News about his book shows that the former FBI director is already on the warpath against Trump.
In one of the clips set to air Sunday evening, Comey tells ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that Trump is like a “mob boss.”
Comey’s memoir, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, is expected to be released on April 17, and contain “never-before-told experiences” from his career.

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