Start United States USA — mix ‘Morning Joe’ Calls Attacks On Dr. Ronny Jackson The ‘Biggest Political Hit...

‘Morning Joe’ Calls Attacks On Dr. Ronny Jackson The ‘Biggest Political Hit Job We Have Seen In Recent Years’


MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said White House Dr. Ronny Jackson is either one of the craziest admirals on record, or the attacks against him are…
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said White House Dr. Ronny Jackson is either one of the craziest admirals on record, or the attacks against him are a political hit job, Thursday on “Morning Joe.”
“Either this guy is the most out of control, crazed admiral ever, or this is the biggest political, biggest political hit job that we have seen in recent years,” Scarborough said.
Scarborough’s defense of Jackson comes just three months after he accused Jackson of lying about President Donald Trump’s health.
Jackson’s been accused of having an alcohol problem and of over prescribing prescription medications. He withdrew his nomination for Veterans Affairs secretary Thursday morning, after intense media scrutiny.
“If [Jackson] crashed a car and he was drunk, there ought to be some kind of evidence of that. We ought to be able to find that out fairly easily. And he says he never has,” BBC’s Katty Kay said.
“I would have thought in the next couple of days we’re going to start seeing whether this story holds water or whether it doesn’t,” she concluded.
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