Start GRASP/Japan The Latest: Abe says he regrets Trump canceled NKorea summit

The Latest: Abe says he regrets Trump canceled NKorea summit


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – The Latest on President Donald Trump canceling his planned summit with North Korea (all times local): 7 p.m. Japanese Prime…
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – The Latest on President Donald Trump canceling his planned summit with North Korea (all times local):
7 p.m.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says he regrets that U. S. President Donald Trump has called off his summit with North Korea’s leader but that he supports Trump’s decision.
Abe said “it’s a pity” that the talks won’t take place, but that he respects and supports Trump’s judgment. He said Japan had been in close contact with Washington ahead of the summit that had been scheduled for June 12.
Abe, currently in Moscow, said he plans to discuss the latest developments on North Korea with President Vladimir Putin when he meets him on Saturday.
He said Japan will continue cooperating with the U. S., South Korea and other countries to achieve North Korea’s denuclearization, and he wants to follow up with Trump as soon as he returns home.
6:30 p.m.
North Korea’s ally China says the parties involved in the now-canceled U. S.-North Korea summit need to reflect on themselves rather than blaming others.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang was responding to a question about President Donald Trump’s claim of a hardening in North Korea’s attitude following a meeting earlier this month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Lu said China had been consistent in encouraging dialogue, but that required “all related parties, especially those directly concerned, to go along with each other and express goodwill to resolve the peninsular issue properly.

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