Start United States USA — Criminal Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner gets security clearance after second sit-down with Mueller's...

Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner gets security clearance after second sit-down with Mueller's investigators


Kushner was stripped of his temporary clearance in February after the abrupt resignation of staff secretary Rob Porter.
Jared Kushner had his White House security clearance reinstated Wednesday, just as his lawyer confirmed that the son-in-law and senior adviser to President Trump recently sat down for a second interview with investigators working for special counsel Robert Mueller.
Kushner was stripped of his temporary clearance in February amid an overhaul of White House security protocols following the resignation of staff secretary Rob Porter, who was allowed to stay on despite shocking abuse allegations from two ex-wives.
For weeks, White House aides blamed Kushner’s security clearance hiccup on administrative issues, but the delay was likely also a consequence of Kushner failing to list dozens of foreign contacts in his initial application.
A person familiar with the matter told the Daily News Kushner finally received his permanent security clearance on Wednesday.
Kushner, 37, who’s married to the President’s eldest daughter, Ivanka, worked on the Trump campaign and has been dragged into Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.
Kushner’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, confirmed Wednesday his client sat down for a second interview with Mueller’s investigators last month. Kushner was first interviewed by Mueller’s team in November and has also given testimony to congressional committees investigating Russian election interference.
„Having completed these processes, Mr. Kushner is looking forward to continuing the work the President has asked him to do,“ Lowell said in an email.
Kushner — who’s been tasked with a laundry list of complex issues, including brokering peace in the Middle East — was present for discussions in the lead-up to Trump’s firing of ex-FBI Director James Comey. Mueller is investigating whether Trump obstructed justice by axing Comey.
Kushner was also present for a Trump Tower meeting in June 2016, which was hosted by Donald Trump, Jr., and attended by Russian operatives who had promised „dirt“ on Hillary Clinton.
The high-profile meet is of interest to Mueller, who’s looking into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin ahead of the 2016 election.

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