Start GRASP/Japan Japanese Prime Minister Abe Accidentally Dings Jeff Flake with Trump Tweet

Japanese Prime Minister Abe Accidentally Dings Jeff Flake with Trump Tweet


‚How could Jeff Flake, who is setting record low polling numbers in Arizona and was therefore humiliatingly forced out of his own Senate seat without even a fight (and who doesn’t have a clue), think about running for office, even a lower one, again?‘
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe mistakenly retweeted President Donald Trump’s tweet attacking Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake.
The president tweeted Thursday morning, “How could Jeff Flake, who is setting record low polling numbers in Arizona and was therefore humiliatingly forced out of his own Senate seat without even a fight (and who doesn’t have a clue), think about running for office, even a lower one, again? Let’s face it, he’s a Flake!”
Abe responded to the tweet, “I too look forward to having fruitful talks with my great friend President @realdDonaldTrump as always.”
The Hill reported that Abe’s tweet was deleted 20 minutes later, and the prime minister instead retweeted Trump, who wrote: “Looking forward to seeing my friend Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan at noon. Will be discussing North Korea and Trade.”
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Trump’s Flake comment came ahead of a speech the lawmaker made on the Senate floor in which he publicized ahead of time that he planned to criticize how the president handles foreign relations, and particularly his trade policies, according to the Arizona Republic .
During his remarks, Flake said, “Alliances, institutions, pacts, that took generations to patiently build, generations more to solidify, that were paid for in both blood and treasure, are shattered in an ill-tempered second, an ill-considered tantrum, a childish taunt here, a bellicose insult there.

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