Start GRASP/China PA-Sen: Democrat Bob Casey pretty much agrees with Trump on tariffs, trade...

PA-Sen: Democrat Bob Casey pretty much agrees with Trump on tariffs, trade with China


When asked how President Donald Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs will affect Pennsylvania, the state’s Democratic U. S. Sen. Bob Casey told a Pittsburgh radio station this week that something needs to be done to create a „level playing field“ for related businesses in the Keystone State.

When asked how President Donald Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs will affect Pennsylvania, the state’s Democratic U. S. Sen. Bob Casey told a Pittsburgh radio station this week that something needs to be done to create a “level playing field” for related businesses in the Keystone State.
“For too long, I just don’t think we’ve used these trade remedies to… enforce trade laws and to hold other countries accountable and get at, frankly, the root of this problem, which for a long time in the context of steel, has been overcapacity of steel … other countries flooding the market, putting our steelmakers at a disadvantage,” Casey told WESA-FM .

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