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[DZone Research] 2017 Community Survey Results


Check out some highlights and data points from DZone’s Community Survey! Learn about developers’ careers, purchasing power, pain points, and more.
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If you’re entranced in reading the full report, the DZone Community Survey, Vol. I is live and available here!
We recently surveyed 1,918 members of our community to learn more about software developers’ behaviors, interests, and preferences. Read on to get some insight into the DZone audience. Learn about developers’ careers and purchasing power, the challenges they face, and their preferred learning methods.
DZone’s community is highly educated, with 85% of respondents having a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. 45% of respondents have a Bachelor’s Degree, and 37% have a Master’s Degree as well, with 3% having a Ph. D.
While the vast majority of respondents are software developers (68%), the remaining mix is mostly comprised of C-level Executives and IT Operations. Of the software devs, 35% are Full Stack Developers, 22% are Architect/Software Designers, 18% are Backend Developers, and 15% are Developer Managers/Lead Developers.
These readers primarily work for software vendors, or they are in the finance/banking industry.
When asked what types of content are preferred for learning new skills, articles took the lead with 77%, followed by videos (66%), eBooks (60%), and books (51%).
Many developers are self-taught and opt out of taking traditional, in-person classes. According to our research, 66% prefer to learn from books. Online resources are also popular, with 61% choosing online courses, 61% reading online articles, and 50% taking online courses.
As expected, 83% of respondents said their primary use for DZone is “to learn.” While a quarter of respondents visit DZone to peruse articles and see what’s new, a whopping 73% are looking to discover new solutions and techniques. Some readers are looking to download Refcardz and Guides to solve challenges, and some are looking for specific answers to questions they have. This is not surprising since 75% of our readers find DZone from an organic search.
We are happy to report that 70% of readers adopted a new technology or practice off of a DZone read, and 79% shared a DZone resource or referred it to a friend or colleague!
When asked what tools and technologies are used, the top answers were: Java, JavaScript (client-side), SQL, and HTML/CSS. Check out the top ten responses:
While only 33% of respondents currently use Python, 41% of respondents said they would like to learn more about it. In fact, it was the top choice for languages to learn about.
Likewise, Kotlin, Go, Scala, and R were popular languages to learn that are less commonly used.
The top three biggest pain points for developers were: lack of clear requirements, legacy code, and not enough time to complete projects.
And when asked what types of software development tools their company is looking to adopt, the top five responses were: business analytics, cloud hosting, data storage, testing, and security solutions.
A little too much data? Here are some survey highlights:
If you want to learn more, you can read the DZone Community Survey, Vol. I here !
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