This month, American comedian Conan O’Brien took an unexpected step into the world of international negotiations. After discovering that the Japanese city of Hokuei, Tottori Prefecture, is also known as “Conan Town” (after anime/manga "Detective Conan," whose creator was born in Hokuei), O’Brien devoted a segment of
This month, American comedian Conan O’Brien took an unexpected step into the world of international negotiations. After discovering that the Japanese city of Hokuei, Tottori Prefecture, is also known as “Conan Town” (after anime/manga „Detective Conan,“ whose creator was born in Hokuei), O’Brien devoted a segment of his talk show to detailing the ways Detective Conan is just an imitation of him, such as both of them being men trapped in children’s bodies and having unusual hairstyles. He then demanded three trillion yen in indemnities.
However, Hokuei’s mayor, Akio Matsumoto, then issued a statement of his own, telling O’Brien that if he wants justice, he should come visit Conan Town. O’Brien responded by adding additional demands (such as remodeling Hokuei’s Detective Conan statue to look more like the comedian), prompting Matsumoto to tack on supplementary demands of his own: his face on Mount Rushmore, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and 15,000 American hamburgers (one for every resident of Conan Town).
O’Brien has now responded once again, telling his audience “Don’t mess with that guy, Clearly I didn’t not realize who I was dealing with,” in regards to Matsumoto, before adding:
“Mayor Matsumoto, I know you’re watching, and I say this with all respect.