Start GRASP/China John Bolton warns of Chinese, Iranian, North Korean meddling in U. S....

John Bolton warns of Chinese, Iranian, North Korean meddling in U. S. midterm elections


The national security adviser’s comments echo statements made by U. S. President Donald Trump Saturday morning on Twitter.
In an interview on Sunday with ABC News, United States National Security Adviser John Bolton said that officials are concerned about election meddling from other countries beyond Russia.
“I can say definitively that it’s a sufficient national security concern about Chinese meddling, Iranian meddling and North Korean meddling that we’re taking steps to prevent it,” Bolton said on ABC’s “This Week.”
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While he wouldn’t comment definitively on what’s caused White House security officials to pinpoint these countries, Bolton confirmed those are the countries that government officials are “most concerned about.”
Bolton’s comments echo statements made by U. S. President Donald Trump Saturday morning on Twitter.
“All of the fools that are so focused on looking only at Russia should start also looking in another direction, China,” Trump said. “But in the end, if we are smart, tough and well prepared, we will get along with everyone!” the president’s tweet read.
The FBI concluded last year that Russian officials attempted to meddle in the U. S. 2016 presidential election, though the Trump administration has been vague in its response to the bureau’s report. Trump has often stated that former American president Barack Obama knew about the potential for Russian interference and did little to stop it.

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