It should be easier for new players to get into Destiny 2 now, as developer Bungie is adding the game’s two Year 1 expansions to the purchase of the new Forsaken DLC.
It should be easier for new players to get into Destiny 2 now, as developer Bungie is adding the game’s two Year 1 expansions to the purchase of the new Forsaken DLC. And those who have already purchased all that content are in line to receive a bundle of digital, in-game rewards.
When Destiny 2: Forsaken first launched, it required the base game plus the Curse of Osiris and Warmind expansions to play. For those who were getting into Destiny 2 for the first time, that meant getting the Legendary Edition, a bundling of the base game, both Year 1 expansions, and Forsaken for $60. As of October 16, everything but the base game is getting included in Forsaken’s $40 price tag. With Destiny 2 having been one of the PlayStation Plus games for September, a number of PS4 owners are likely to already own the base game.
As one would expect, many players who paid for the previous expansions, especially those who bought the Legendary Edition most recently, are frustrated at feeling like they are out some money for this content that will now be free with Forsaken’s purchase. Expecting that reaction, Bungie is giving all players who have played Forsaken prior to that October 16 date the Veterans of the Hunt Bundle, which contains a collection of in-game items.
The unique emblem and shader are reminiscent of the Old Guard emblem and shader given to veteran players in Destiny 1. Bungie said that the two exotic emotes will be added to the Eververse Store at some point in the future. Those veteran players will receive the Veterans of the Hunt bundle in early December.
The tiger theme has to do with Destiny‘s codename during development, which was Project Tiger. Since early on in Destiny 1, the tiger has been used to signify that early development and veteran players.
Destiny 2: Forsaken is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.