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Harvard Undergrads Want The University To Investigate Kavanaugh Too


Harvard University’s Undergraduate Council is calling on school officials to investigate Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for sexual assault allegations before letting him teach at…
Harvard University’s Undergraduate Council is calling on school officials to investigate Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for sexual assault allegations before letting him teach at the Law School.
Twenty-five representatives of the university’s student government voted Sunday in favor of publishing a letter asking the university to conduct an investigation, The Harvard Crimson reported. Thirteen members were against it. Kavanaugh was set to teach a course, “The Supreme Court since 2005,” for the winter 2019 term, which lasts three weeks.
“The Undergraduate Council stands in solidarity with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, Julie Swetnick, and all survivors of sexual violence,” the letter reads, according to The Crimson. “We also stand with members of Harvard Law School who request a full and fair investigation into allegations against Judge Kavanaugh before he is allowed back on campus to teach.” (RELATED: Catholic University Dean Suspended For ‘Insensitive’ Tweet Surrounding Kavanaugh Accuser)
The call comes as hundreds of undergrads and Harvard Law School students walked out of class in protest on Sept. 24, The Crimson previously reported.
Four Harvard Law students also called on the law school to investigate Kavanaugh, in a Harvard Law Record op-ed on Sept. 20.
“Unless a full and fair investigation is conducted, Harvard Law School cannot allow Kavanaugh to continue teaching its students and the Senate cannot confirm him to the Supreme Court,” authors Molly Coleman, Vail Kohnert-Yount, Jake Meiseles and Sejal Singh wrote.
Yale Law School dean Heather Gerken issued a statement on Sept. 24 that said 50 faculty members signed a letter calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to conduct an investigation into allegations made against Kavanaugh.
Gerken joined the American Bar Association (ABA) in calling for an investigation into Kavanaugh on Sept. 28, according to a tweet.
Dean Gerken Joins the ABA in Calling for Further Investigation.
— Yale Law School (@YaleLawSch) September 28,2018
“Proceeding with the confirmation process without further investigation is not in the best interest of the Court or our profession,” the statement said.
Ford claimed Kavanaugh forced himself onto her at a party when they were in high school. Ramirez claimed Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a party in the 1983-1984 school year at Yale, according to The New Yorker on Sept. 24. Swetnick’s allegation against the judge was released by lawyer Michael Avenatti on Sept. 26 over Twitter.
Kavanaugh and Ford testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 27.
Harvard did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
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