„The new variant will be exclusively available on Amazon.in and is priced at Rs 17,999.“Xiaomi India had launched the Mi A2 in August this year. The Mi A2 now gets a hardware update in the
Xiaomi India had launched the Mi A2 in August this year. The Mi A2 now gets a hardware update in the form of a 6GB RAM and 128GB variant. The new variant should ideally fill the void created by a lack of higher storage on the Mi A2. Xiaomi has already listed the Mi A2 6GB/128GB on mi.com and the device is priced at Rs 17,999 as opposed to the 4GB/64GB variant that is priced at Rs 14,999. Xiaomi is already selling the other variants of Mi A2 on Amazon and it is only natural for them to sell the 6GB/128GB variant on the ecommerce platform. That being said, the Mi A2 is yet to be listed on mi.com or perhaps the company is considering maintaining the Amazon exclusivity status. The Xiaomi Mi A2 comes equipped with a notched 18:9 display and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 660. Thanks to the Android One program the Mi A2 is expected to receive faster software updates as opposed to the rest. Additionally, the stock Android should delight the Android purists who prefer bare basics. Imaging options on the Mi A2 include a dual rear camera setup consisting of a 12-megapixel and 20-megapixel sensor and a front-facing selfie camera of 20-megapixel. It is worth noting that according to earlier listing the Mi A2 6GB/128GB variant was priced at Rs 19,999. However, Xiaomi has officially priced the Mi A2 at Rs 17,999. The poster also mentions that the current retail price is introductory in nature and is subjected to be changed in the future. Lastly, the Mi A2 will be exclusively available on Amazon.in and the sale begins from 12 Noon tomorrow.