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7 facts you have to remember when Donald Trump attacks the Mueller probe


At 6:54 a.m. on Thursday, President Donald Trump continued his onslaught against special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Then, at 7:16 a.m., he added:
„When will this illegal Joseph McCarthy style Witch Hunt, one that has shattered so many innocent lives, ever end-or will it just go on forever? After wasting more than $40,000,000 (is that possible?), it has proven only one thing-there was NO Collusion with Russia. So Ridiculous!“
This is, of course, standard fare for Trump — although the pace of his attacks have ramped up of late as Mueller appears to be tightening his grip on those close to Trump.
Amid Trump’s rhetorical rapid-fire, it’s easy to lose sight of the actual facts here. And those facts paint a very different picture from the one Trump is trying to push.

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