Microsoft is offering unlimited budget to newly aquired studios who will helpo create the biggest Xbox exclusives line for Xbox Scarlett release date.
Microsoft is a giant corporation with unlimited resources. Still, the company lost the battle to Sony in the game market. It was mainly due to a lack of exclusive titles on Xbox One and Xbox One X. The quality of games provided by PS4 remained unmatched throughout this generation.
The plethora of games offered by Sony Studios led PlayStation 4 sales to close in on 100M. Microsoft has accepted second place for Xbox One and the company is looking to the future, looking to Xbox Scarlett. How can Microsoft redeem its brand and bring back the audience it lost to PS4? A change of strategy is required that this exactly what the company is doing.
With Xbox One and Xbox One X, Microsoft spent little to nothing on first party studios.
United States
USA — software Microsoft is Offering Unlimited Budget to Newly Acquired Studios for Xbox Exclusives