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Reagan’s homebase gives birth to a new progressive majority of today


None of this happened by chance or by accident. And it won’t necessarily happen again if we don’t keep up the momentum.
With the images of families being tear-gassed at the San Diego-Tijuana border being shown on television every day, it’s important that we emphasize the resistance that is growing in California.
Orange County has been a Republican stronghold in California for over 70 years. It’s the birthplace of Richard Nixon and the influential right-wing John Birch Society. It’s where President Ronald Reagan had a margin of victory that he credited not only for his success but also the overall success of the Republican party. Now, with a complete blue sweep of its formerly red Congressional seats, Orange County is no longer GOP territory, but instead it’s an example for how Democrats can engage a new, diverse, and energized electorate in 2020 for victory nationwide.
For over 70 years, politics in this region was rooted in mobilizing the white suburban majority and powerful elites — which required repeatedly campaigning on tax breaks for the rich instead of affordable healthcare or protections for working-class families. Demographics and money were on their side.
Change has been on the horizon since Republican-governor Pete Wilson waged a war on immigrants with Prop 187 in 1994, a move that energized a generation of young Latino voters and began GOP’s long slide toward irrelevance in California.

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