Start United States USA — Political Republican Senator Graham Says Trump Receptive to Shutdown Deal Idea

Republican Senator Graham Says Trump Receptive to Shutdown Deal Idea


U. S. Senator Lindsey Graham said on Sunday he was optimistic that Republicans, Democrats and President Donald Trump could reach a deal to end a government shutdown.
U. S. Senator Lindsey Graham said on Sunday he was optimistic that Republicans, Democrats and President Donald Trump could reach a deal to end a government shutdown that includes border wall funding and legal status for some illegal immigrants.
Graham, a Republican, told reporters after meeting Trump for lunch at the White House that Trump was receptive to Graham’s idea of a deal that might provide work permits to so-called Dreamers, people brought illegally to the United States as children, in exchange for money for physical border barriers.
“The president was upbeat, he was in a very good mood, and I think he’s receptive to making a deal,” Graham said on CNN, adding that Trump found the potential Dreamer concession “interesting.”
But the senator said there would never be a government spending deal that did not include money for a wall or other physical barriers on the U. S.-Mexico border. The wall was one of the central promises of Trump’s presidential campaign.

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