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Will Macron's U-turn stop France's 'yellow vest' protests?


The French government has announced a major U-turn in suspending fuel tax rises in a bid to end increasingly violent demonstrations.
The French government has announced a major U-turn in suspending fuel tax rises in a bid to end increasingly violent demonstrations. But who are the „yellow vest“ protesters, and will the tax relief and other concessions be enough to mollify their anger?
– Who are the protesters? –
The „gilets jaunes“ (yellow vests) movement sprang up in late October against increases in fuel taxes announced as part of President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to pursue clean energy policies.
Donning the luminous safety vests French drivers must carry in their cars, the protesters have blocked roads and petrol depots for more than a fortnight, playing havoc with traffic in the run-up to the Christmas holidays.
And in Paris, more than 200 cars were torched during protests last weekend that degenerated into the worst street clashes in the city centre in decades.
While the protests began over fuel taxes, they have snowballed into a wider movement against Macron, largely among people in small-town and rural France.
The protesters see the former investment banker as an arrogant „president of the rich“ who is out of touch with the struggles of ordinary people in the provinces.
Yet different protesters have different aims: Some remain focused on lowering fuel taxes, while others want Macron to resign.
Many also want to reverse tax cuts that Macron introduced for France’s wealthiest in a bid to boost investment.

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