Start United States USA — Criminal Ginsburg not expected at Trump's State of the Union

Ginsburg not expected at Trump's State of the Union


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is among the five Supreme Court justices who are expected to skip President Trump ’s State of the Union Address Tuesday…
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is among the five Supreme Court justices who are expected to skip President Trump ’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night.
The Supreme Court’s public information office said it expects only Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to attend the proceedings in the House chamber.
Along with Ginsburg, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor are not expected to be in attendance.
Ginsburg has been closely watched since a Dec. 21 surgery to remove cancerous nodules from her lower left lung forced her to miss oral arguments last month, but the 85-year-old’s expected absence from the annual event likely isn’t health related.
Ginsburg was spotted publicly for the first time post-op at a concert in D. C. Monday night.
It’s very common for justices to miss the State of the Union address. Roberts said publicly in 2010 that it’s up to each individual justice to decide whether to attend or not.
Justices Thomas and Alito, of the court’s conservative wing, haven’t been in years.

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