Start United States USA — Political The Real State of the Union, in Charts

The Real State of the Union, in Charts


It’s not pretty. But there is one big reason for hope.
My fellow Americans, the state of our union is far weaker than it should be.
The economy’s growth isn’t benefiting most families very much. Life expectancy has been falling. The planet is warming. The rest of the world is less enamored of America than it has been in the past.
But I can offer you one major piece of good news: Our country’s urgent and growing problems have inspired more Americans to vote and to otherwise get involved in politics. And that sort of engagement is the best hope for restoring our country to its rightful strength.
Here, then, is the true state of the union, in charts:
The last few years — including 2018 — have brought some good economic news. Paychecks for most workers are rising faster than inflation. But the gains are still modest, and they don’t come close to erasing years in which pay gains trailed economic growth:
Younger Americans are faring especially poorly in today’s economy:
However, there is one group that has enjoyed pay raises and wealth gains even larger than the rate of economic growth.

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