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If You Didn’t Know Any Better, You’d Think The Mueller Investigation Was About Obstruction


For two years, the mainstream media has claimed President Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. “Collusion,” Jan Brady might say.
For two years, the mainstream media has claimed President Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.
“Collusion,” “Collusion,” Jan Brady might say.
But after Special Counsel Robert Mueller recommended no further indictments — and indicted no one from the Trump campaign with colluding with Russia — the narrative had to change. Trump still did something wrong, something impeachable.
Since Attorney General William Barr summarized Mueller’s report by saying there was “no collusion,” but suggested there wasn’t enough evidence to charge Trump with obstruction, the media has predictably cried foul. It was Barr who determined there wasn’t enough evidence to charge Trump with obstruction, we’re told, which means there really was enough but the president’s hand-picked attorney general saved him.

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