Start United States USA — Political The Mystery Of Julian Assange's Cat

The Mystery Of Julian Assange's Cat


Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno seemed annoyed when he announced an end to the seven-year residency of Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London
Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno seemed annoyed when he announced an end to the seven-year residency of Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London:
„We’ve ended the asylum of this spoiled brat,“ he said.
But what about the asylum of Assange’s cat?
The WikiLeaks founder, who was arrested Thursday, has been charged with conspiring to hack into a Pentagon computer network. Presumably, Assange’s illegal interactions with former Army intelligence officer Chelsea Manning are the main interest of law enforcement.
Then there is the matter of paw enforcement. (Sorry.)
While holed up, Assange famously acquired a cat. The cat, named Michi, is more well known by its social media moniker, Embassy Cat. More than 30,000 Twitter followers, and 6,000 on Instagram, followed the self-described master of „counter-purrveillance.“
New home! I’ve arrived!
Embassy Cat tweeted regularly beginning with its arrival in May 2016. Cute photos were the norm, with just a bit of political grandstanding thrown in — always with lots of puns. (Embassy Cat was proud to be a „#whiskerblower.“)
But by the fall of 2016, its tweets had become much less frequent. In 2017 the cat tweeted only three times. In 2018, twice. It has been silent for more than a year. (The Instagram account has been crickets for more than two years.

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