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Here's a First Look at the New MacBook Pro Keyboard


Apple is on the verge of perfecting the low profile keyboard, and so far, it’s only taken them three tries and an endless repair program to get here. The fourth attempt can be seen in the latest version of the MacBook Pro, which our friends at iFixit recently tore down. The key design in this generation of very expensive laptops is new. Does it work? Don’t know yet.
Apple is on the verge of perfecting the low profile keyboard, and so far, it’s only taken them three tries and an endless repair program to get here. The fourth attempt can be seen in the latest version of the MacBook Pro, which our friends at iFixit recently tore down. The key design in this generation of very expensive laptops is new. Does it work? Don’t know yet.
The new generation of Apple’s low profile, “butterfly” MacBook key design looks an awful lot like the previous problematic generation except for a few subtle differences. While the third generation of this key design added a foggy, tacky, silicone-like membrane to protect the switch mechanism, the newest butterfly key design features a transparent, smooth material.

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