Start United States USA — Political Republicans 'Privately Expressed Grave Concerns' Over Trump's Conduct and Mexico Tariffs Could...

Republicans 'Privately Expressed Grave Concerns' Over Trump's Conduct and Mexico Tariffs Could Be 'Break Point,' Senator Says


Republican lawmakers have slammed the president’s threat to implement new tariffs on Mexican imports.
Democratic Senator Chris Coons said that he hopes Donald Trump’s threat to implement new tariffs on Mexican imports over immigration concerns will be the „break point“ for his Republican colleagues, pointing out that many have previously expressed concerns both privately and publicly about the president.
„There are a number of Republican senators who privately expressed grave concerns about the president’s conduct, about the things we learned in the Mueller report, about his obstruction of justice,“ Coons, who represents Delaware, said in an interview with CNN’s New Day on Wednesday morning.
The senator also pointed to „public events“ when GOP lawmakers „expressed real concern.“ He highlighted Republican backlash after Trump stood firmly behind Saudi Arabia in the wake of the brutal murder of U. S. resident and Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year, as well as criticism of the president for implementing steel tariffs against close American allies and the administration’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
„On each of these instances, there was a dozen or so Republicans who expressed some concern or misgiving,“ the Democratic politician said, lamenting, however, that they failed to „slow down or „stop“ Trump’s efforts.
Turning to Trump’s controversial threat to slap new tariffs on Mexican goods coming into the country, Coons said: „Hopefully this is the break point where Senate Republicans show some wisdom and slow down our President’s endless swinging of the club of tariffs and hitting some of our closest allies.

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